About Wokeface
Wokeface was born in 2016 as a street art project in Portland, Oregon, created by a human named Janet.
The first Wokefaces were handpainted plywood cut-outs drilled into telephone poles. Then came stickers. A friend taught Janet how to screenprint, and then came posters and t-shirts.
People started asking if they could buy these items, shops started carrying them, and gradually the project began to fund itself and expand organically.
Wokeface continues to grow as a brand, and Janet continues to grow as an artist, frequently working on murals and collaborations.
Wokeface merchandise is now available in over 150 independent retailers worldwide.
In 2020 Wokeface opened Higher Self, a gift shop at our headquarters where we sell our own goods as well as those from many other artists.

Wokeface's mission is to facilitate self love and a sense of connectedness to fuel a more compassionate and harmonious existence. Art with heart that hopes to help heal your inner child and connect to your higher self.
what does the wokeface symbol mean?
Wokeface believes art is subjective, so whatever meaning or significance you personally derive is perfectly valid. But, if you'd like, here's the artist's perspective:
"For me, Wokeface represents sensing beyond the five tangible senses, and awakening to what is beyond - such as love, intuition, and universal consciousness"
who or what is wokeface?
Wokeface is simply the name of the art project. However, Janet is frequently referred to as Wokeface and she is happy to share the identity.
As a brand, Wokeface is currently a team of four who support operations for our retail and wholesale. Learn more about the crew below.

environmental impact
We hold deep reverence for planet Earth and aim to reduce our negative environmental impact. Most of our packaging is recycle-able or compostable. Those clear sleeves we put our sticker packs in are actually plant based! We frequently reuse packing materials, and source as many of our products locally as we can both to support our local economy and small businesses, and to reduce emissions and impact from transporting goods.
community support
We would not exist without our community. We aim to support organizations that work to enable a better existence for humans, animals, and the planet. Below is a list of some of the organizations we've been able to contribute to thanks to our supporters.
4 All MuttKind
African Americans for Home Ownership
American Civil Liberties Union
Artist Mentorship Program
Arts Business Collaborative
Black Lives Matter
Blanchet House
Brown Hope
Central City Concern
Don't Shoot Portland
Family Dogs New Life Shelter
Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon
Gender Advocacy & Inclusion Network
Greyhound Pet Adoption Northwest
Heart Research UK
HERicane Rowing
Marfan Foundation
Outside In
Pacific Pug Rescue
Planned Parenthood
Portland Animal Welfare (PAW) Team
Portland Psychedelic Society
Q Center
Rose City Rollers Derby
Rosehaven Shelter
The Black Resilience Fund
Transgender Law Center
Transition Projects
Voz Workers' Rights Education Project
thank you (っ ◔◡◔) っ ♥
Wow, you read this far? Well gosh.. thanks for being here. In case you need a reminder: you're really amazing, you're doing a good job, and we love you!